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Get the Right Mental Health Support for Adult ADHD

Living with ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) can be challenging, but our mental health experts can help. Get quality mental health care from experts that know the ins and outs of ADHD treatment for adults.

This is what the symptoms of ADHD can look like...

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Try the Chaitanya C4C approach to ADHD treatment

ADHD is often mistaken for laziness or seen as a character flaw. Based on our clinical expertise, decades of experience, and the latest science in ADHD management, we have created a programmatic & compassionate approach to drive real change and improvement over time.

Choose an ADHD treatment option that works for you

Our mission is to support you, every step of the way, with whatever you might need.

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Your questions about ADHD, answered

What are the types of ADHD?

There are three major types of ADHD:

ADHD combined type: This is the most common type of ADHD. It is characterised by the presence of all three core symptoms – difficulty in paying attention, hyperactivity and impulsivity.

ADHD impulsive/hyperactive type: This type of ADHD is characterised mainly by impulsive, hyperactive or restless behaviour & includes some issues with attention.

ADHD inattentive and distractible type: This type is characterised mainly by inattention and distractibility. There will be very little to no hyperactivity.

What are the causes of ADHD?

Researchers have not been able to figure out the exact cause of ADHD. It has been theorized that multiple factors may contribute to its development, which may be:

Genes: ADHD is heritable, and runs in families.

Environment: Early childhood environmental factors may play a role in its development.

Prenatal factors: Problems during the development of the central nervous system in the mother’s womb, especially in the first three months of pregnancy, may play a role.

Remember, ADHD is never a character flaw or laziness – it is a mental health disorder, and you should treat yourself with compassion if you have it. It is also important to remember that ADHD can be managed with proper support and you can live a completely normal life with this condition.

What are the signs and symptoms of ADHD?

The symptoms of ADHD may look like this:

  • Difficulty focusing, prioritising tasks, waiting for things
  • Forgetfulness, like losing things frequently
  • Difficulty in organising may lead to missed deadlines, forgotten meetings, and forgetting social plans
  • A hard time controlling impulses
  • Poor listening skills
  • Rushing through tasks
  • Acting without much consideration for the consequences
  • Difficulty in falling asleep or relaxing
  • Overlooking details in tasks
  • Outbursts of anger or easy irritability
  • Poor time management
  • Excessive activity, restlessness, inability to sit still, fidgeting
  • Low tolerance to frustration and mood swings
  • Problems following through or completing tasks
  • Reckless behaviour such as reckless driving, problems in their personal relationships, and substance misuse
How can ADHD affect life in general?

ADHD can cause significant difficulties in day-to-day life. It has been linked to:

  • Poor academic performance
  • Poor performance at work
  • Unemployment
  • Repeated change in jobs
  • Financial problems
  • Trouble with the law
  • Substance misuse
  • Accidents
  • Unstable relationships
  • Poor self-image
Can ADHD co-exist with other mental health disorders?

ADHD often occurs alongside other mental health disorders making diagnosis and treatment more difficult and challenging. They may co-exist with the following disorders:

Mood Disorders like Depression & Bipolar Disorder: It is common for people to experience difficulty or failures in day-to-day tasks due to the nature of ADHD. This can induce depression or worsen it in some people. Mood disorders like bipolar may co-exist with ADHD. Occasionally, ADHD may be mistakenly diagnosed as a mood disorder.

Anxiety Disorders like Generalised Anxiety Disorder: Anxiety disorders may co-exist and may be worsened in the presence of ADHD. The restlessness present in ADHD may sometimes be confused with anxiety.

Other psychiatric disorders: Adults with ADHD are at increased risk of other mental health disorders like personality disorders and addictions.

Learning difficulties: Even though many people with ADHD may have poor academic performance, this may largely be due to poor attention span and associated difficulties. IQ, in fact, may be normal or even high in some of them. But some people may have additional learning difficulties, in addition to the difficulty in paying attention. These need proper testing and guidance from a mental health expert.

Browse our resources on ADHD

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